- coal bearing series
- угленосная толща
English-Russian mining dictionary. 2015.
English-Russian mining dictionary. 2015.
coal mining — Coal was very important in the economic development of Britain. It was used as fuel in the factories built during the Industrial Revolution and continued to be important until the 1980s. The main coalfields are in north east England, the north… … Universalium
Coal measure — The Coal Measures is a lithostratigraphical term used mainly in the British Isles for the coal bearing part of the Upper Carboniferous System. It represents the remains of fluvio deltaic sediment, and consists mainly of clastic rocks (claystones … Wikipedia
Coal Measures — British coalfields in the nineteenth century. The Coal Measures is a lithostratigraphical term for the coal bearing part of the Upper Carboniferous System. It represents the remains of fluvio deltaic sediment, and consists mainly of clastic rocks … Wikipedia
Kuznetsk Coal Basin — ▪ region, Russia byname Kuzbass, Russian Kuznetsky Ugolny Basseyn, one of the largest producing coalfields of (coal mining) Russia, in Kemerovo oblast (province), south central Russia. It lies in the basin of the Tom River between the… … Universalium
Connections (TV series) — Not to be confused with the Canadian organized crime documentary, Connections (Canadian documentary). Connections James Burke, the creator and host of Connections, explains the Haber Bosch Process Genre … Wikipedia
sedimentary facies — Different, but contemporaneous and juxtaposed, sedimentary rocks. Terrigenous facies are accumulations of particles eroded from older rocks and transported to the depositional site. Biogenic facies are accumulations of whole or fragmented shells… … Universalium
Lopingium — System Serie Stufe ≈ Alter (mya) höher höher höher jünger Perm Lopingium Changhsingium … Deutsch Wikipedia
Oberes Perm — System Serie Stufe ≈ Alter (mya) höher höher höher jünger Perm Lopingium … Deutsch Wikipedia
Oberperm — System Serie Stufe ≈ Alter (mya) höher höher höher jünger Perm Lopingium … Deutsch Wikipedia
geochronology — geochronologic /jee oh kron l oj ik/, geochronological, adj. geochronologist, n. /jee oh kreuh nol euh jee/, n. the chronology of the earth, as based on both absolute and relative methods of age determination. [1890 95; GEO + CHRONOLOGY] * * *… … Universalium
Europe — /yoor euhp, yerr / for 1; /yoo roh pee, yeuh / for 2, n. 1. a continent in the W part of the landmass lying between the Atlantic and Pacific oceans, separated from Asia by the Ural Mountains on the E and the Caucasus Mountains and the Black and… … Universalium